Let’s meet today our Miss Giulia, about herself she says:
‘’ Hello I’m Giulia I’m 32 years old
I’m Italian and I’m representing San Marino.
In my life I do a lot of things .
I organize events
I have charity projects for cats and dogs
And I love to travel .
I do Pilates and like meditation
My best quality is my honesty and I always help others .
My defect is im wild and very stubborn
My biggest inspiration is for sure my mom
She has always been very strong and taught me how to be independent
Happiness for me is a moment
You can eat an ice cream and be happy but once it’s over you’ll want another one happiness is found in many things
Such as relationships or memories
It’s part of life
But for me happiness is only a moment
Two events particularly changed my life. The first was one. My father left and refused to acknowledge me and the second is to have lost four years with a narcissistic bipolar man. As a cause of our abusive relationship I got sick and now have a very rare disease that changed my life.
“ Vivi e lascia vivere “ in Italian means live and let others live
It’s important to be because real love or any relationship based on respect shouldn’t ever tie you down.
Being at Miss Europe Continental it’s a very big opportunity and I feel honored to be considered.
In 10 years I see myself as single but full of real friendships
I see myself as independent but with my dreams fulfilled and I wish to have a serene family with a child and a household full of love.’’
Let’s follow her profile to stay tuned about her life: https://www.instagram.com/servadiogiulia/