Today we have the pleasure of interviewing Anzhela, the next participant of the twelfth edition of Miss Europe Continental. Anzhela was born in Russia but has been living in Italy for 8 years. She has a vast professional experience, exploring various sectors such as marketing, consulting, the sports sector and even social media management. Today, she has decided to follow a new path in the world of fashion.
– Tell us a little about yourself: what are your passions and how do you spend your free time?
I have had a fairly dynamic life, I started working when I was young, always with the desire to learn and grow. Among my passions, traveling is the one that inspires me the most. Traveling allows me not only to see new places, but also to immerse myself in different cultures and mentalities. I believe that everyone should travel because it opens our minds and allows us to face life from different perspectives.
In my free time, I love going to the gym, stretching, and I like studying English. I am also starting to learn Spanish, because I believe that knowing more languages ​​can really enrich your life.
– What inspired you to enter the world of fashion and what are your expectations for the future?
The world of fashion has always fascinated me, but it was only about six months ago that I decided to embark on this path. I started working as a model and, over time, I realized that I would like to explore this sector from another perspective, by creating my own women’s clothing brand. At the moment it is just an idea, but it inspires me a lot and I hope to be able to realize it in the future.
– What expectations do you have from this experience at Miss Europe Continental and what advice would you give to those who dream of entering the world of fashion?
This experience will certainly be unforgettable! I expect enormous personal growth and new professional opportunities. In addition to this, I am excited about the idea of ​​making new acquaintances, meeting other people with different stories and sharing this unique experience with them.
My advice for those who want to enter the world of fashion is to never lose confidence in themselves. You should never compare yourself to others but focus on yourself. This world can be difficult, there will be obstacles along the way, but perseverance and determination are the keys to overcoming any difficulty.
– How do you imagine yourself in ten years?
I imagine myself in ten years as a person who has found the balance between work and personal life. I believe a lot in love and family, so I hope to have met a special person with whom I can build a strong and loving family. But at the same time, I also want to fulfill myself in my work, continuing to grow professionally.
Furthermore, I feel the need to do something important for women’s safety. I am very concerned about the phenomenon of feminicides and I would like to commit myself to helping women who are in difficult relationships, especially those who are victims of violence.
– What is your secret dream?
For me, every dream is a goal to achieve. I don’t just like to dream, I prefer to act and work to get what I want. So far, I have achieved many of my goals, and now I am focusing on new goals. There is one thing that I could never achieve personally, but that I hope to see in the world: peace. I would like people to learn to respect each other and to resolve conflicts through dialogue, without resorting to violence. I think this is the dream that, if realized, would really change the world.
Instagram: nelly_888ny